Asthmapolis is now Propeller Health

by Brian Lee

Asthmapolis announced today it changed its name to Propeller Health as it moves beyond asthma.

“The company started as a solution targeted for asthma, and we now recognize an important opportunity to take on other chronic respiratory disease using the same tools and accumulated wisdom that’s already yielding results,” CEO David Van Sickle said in a statement.

According to Van Sickle, a catalyst for the change occurred last summer when the FDA’s clearance included using the Asthmapolis device, now called Propeller, beyond asthma.

Van Sickle thought of the name Propeller while he was on an airplane.

“Propellers are technology that provide this huge benefit but are so simple, almost invisible when they are working,” Van Sickle said. “And that was what I wanted to convey: that we make technology that is simple, easy to use and that doesn’t require people to change.”