Two Madison Startups in WERCBench Cohort

by Brian Lee

The Midwest Energy Research Consortium (M-WERC) recently revealed the cohort for its WERCBench Labs Accelerator program in Milwaukee includes two Madison companies.

CLOCworks, which is developing machine learning software to manage building profiles for HVAC systems, and ELEKTRIFI, which has a disaster relief tech platform to manage grids in homes and buildings, are among the seven startups that began the program on Oct. 15.

“We’re excited to be able to play a part (of attracting talent to the region) with our focus on the energy power and control sector and through … our industry-focused accelerator program WERCBench Labs,” M-WERC Executive Director Dan Ebert said in a statement.

According to its website, WERCBench Labs Accelerator helps startups in the energy, power and controls sector advance to investor readiness. Each business receives up to $40,000 in grants and royalty-based financing.