Wisconsin Startups Raised in $163M in 2012

by Alexis Harrison

Seventy-four Wisconsin companies raised more than $163 million in 2012, according to a Wisconsin Angel Network report. The amount is a seven percent increase over the $153 million raised in 2011.

The “Wisconsin Portfolio” reports investments, deals and venture funds in companies throughout the state. The fifth edition report summarizes the state’s tech economy strengths, early investment data and a locator map for Wisconsin’s angel networks and funds.

Other report highlights include:

  • More than $20 million in venture capital investments in CalStar Products, a company that manufactures sustainable building products, and Cellular Dynamics, a stem cell producer.
  • Nearly half of the deals reported involved one international or out-of-state investor.
  • Wisconsin’s share of venture capital investments is still below many states in the country at half of one percent.